Skyrim profile:
Name: Vincent Syther
Race: Wood Elf
Class type: Hunter
Vincent Syther considers himself a Rouge Hunter. He tents to work on his own and prefers sneaking rather then charging in head on.
His weapon of choice is a bow and arrow but can use any long ranged weapon effectively. Because not all battles can be fought at long range he favors duel wielding for CQC mainly blades but if the situation gets hairy he will use a shield to make up for his lack of heavy armor. Vincent sticks more to light to medium type armor, he would rather be able to dodge over taking a hit in combat. He does not use magic of any kind, he doesn't trust anything intangible.
Vincent is an honest person, you'll never catch him stealing. His father taught him young if you can't afford it, work harder. He is for the most part a level headed person he'll give just about anyone a chance to get on his good side but rub him the wrong way and he wont hesitate to kill you.
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