Chapter 1
Chie walked down the alleyway with Yosuke, the rain was pouring but nothing could damper her spirits on a day like today.
“It’s finally over!” Chie said throwing her hands in the air.
“Yeah…” Yosuke said with a hint of disbelieve in his voice. Chie didn’t miss it, she knew him to well.
“Oh come on, we caught the guy. No more kidnappings.”
Yosuke stopped at the intersection and looked up at Chie.
“I just don’t get it. Someone that small taking Saki-sempi and putting her in the TV no I don’t believe it, if they really have stopped then I will.” He looked at Chie “I’m watching the TV tonight.”
She stared at him, there was fire in his eyes it unnerved her a bit.
“Oh come on Yosuke, you shouldn’t worry so much. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And before he could offer her his umbrella she was running to her house. The rain was slamming to the pavement and she was soaked through before she made it to her street. The rain was blocking out everything. The beautiful view that she always saw walking to her house was covered in gray the street lights forming balls of yellow trying to break through the gray. She couldn’t even see the street but she knew her way her and Yosuke played on this road all the time. Chie finally made it to her house; she got inside quick and slammed the door closed. Chie’s house was plain, as far as she was concerned. The kitchen was the first thing you saw with the family room out of site from the doorway. Chie’s mother was in the kitchen and jumped at the sound. When she saw who it was, her expression became stony.
“Do you have any idea what time it is young lady?” She said pointing at the clock in the entryway. Chie looked up at the clock it read eleven o’clock. She filled with fear at the site of it, how had it taken that long inside the TV to get him out. She turned to her mom and bent into a bow.
“I’m really sorry mom.” Chie straitened up. “I really had no idea it was that late. I thought we had left on time the clocks where we were said it was nine thirty.”
Her mom looked extremely unconvinced.
“Well I drew you up a hot bath anyway I figured you’d be walking home late I just finished it, I’ll take your food upstairs and then strait to bed young lady, I don’t care if you have tomorrow off I don’t want you sitting in the house all day watching your movies.” She smiled and turned back to her cooking. Chie smiled.
“Thanks mom!” Chie ran up stairs taking off her coat and throwing it into her room as she passed. The bath felt good against her cold skin she laid there thinking of everything that had happened. The boy, Mitsuo Kubo, having been blamed ran into the TV to escape his punishment. Chie shifted in the bath, even though she knew she was clean she felt like bugs where crawling on her. The kid gave her the creeps. They chased after him into the TV, a sort of other dimension that contained things known as shadows and where she had obtained her other self know now as a persona not but a few months ago. The time between then and now seemed ages.
“It had to be him,” Chie said to the foggy room. “Why else would he run?” Mitsuo had been throwing people into the other world to be killed by their other selves, now that he was in police custody Inaba would return to its normal ways again. Chie got out of the bath wrapped herself in a towel and walked to her room where she saw a plate of food on her desk. She got dressed in some clean sweats and sat down pondering everything that had happened before hand. When she finished, turned off the lights and was about to get into bed the clock beeped midnight. Her TV, which she had stopped in front of on her way to bed, flicker on and an image appeared on it. It was a boy, her age, on what looked like a stage; he was standing there then began to speak.
“And welcome to the show! I’m your host Lance Ferman! And today we have a real treat.” He was talking like an excited host to a new show. He snapped to another camera. “You’ve seen loads of shows giving you what they want but now. I’m giving you what YOU WANT! That right this show is all about the viewers so stay tuned! This is going to get saucy.” Just before the image died Chie recognized him. He sat next to Yukiko in their homeroom. If he was in the TV tonight and the rain ended tomorrow then he would be dead by Monday morning. But how had he gotten in there? And would there be time to save him?
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